Tagged with DPchallenge


Weekly Writing Challenge: An Instagram Just as we can suspend a moment in time by snapping a photograph, an instant can change our lives forever. For this week’s writing challenge: tell us about a moment when your life was changed in a split second. I don’t have an Instagram account, so I asked my sister … Continue reading


Weekly Writing Challenge: A Few of My Favorite Things I nearly always carry Sara in my right front pocket. She’s made of soft felt but seems indestructible. Whoever sewed her together made the stitches neatly, tight and invisible. She wears a simple blue dress, white booties and a white kerchief. Her hair, her eyes, her … Continue reading

If Music be the Food of Love…

Weekly Writing Challenge:The Sound of Blogging Today, as I sat outside the art gallery at school, I heard the most beautiful sound coming from the music department. When I was in high school, I was in marching band through my junior year. I’d never been in marching band before and was really in it to … Continue reading